The customs agency VBG is accredited by FIATA – Federation Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimiles (International Federation of Associations of Transitaires)
FIATA is a non-governmental organization
representing the international shipping, transport and logistics industry, encompassing around 40,000 members in 150 countries worldwide. It is recognised as the representative of the freight transport industry by many other governmental organisations, public bodies, private international organisations in the field of transport (ICC, IATA, UIC, IRU, WTO, etc.).
High quality services
Compliance with international standards governing multimodal transport of goods
Universality. The application of FIATA documents creates a single legal field for the transport and delivery of goods at an international level
Recognition of the global banking system
Acceleration of money circulation
Tax relief
Integrating documents into the FIATA system offers the following advantages:
Improving carrier competitiveness
By issuing a FIATA document to the shipper, the freight forwarder can ensure the delivery of the goods from the place of their receipt to the destination, providing this shipper with a unique type of services: single rate, single carrier, single document, single responsibility.
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Av. Texcoco, Mz 8, Lt 28. Col. Cuchilla del Tesoro, |C.P. 07900|